On the 1st business day of the month:
· Those wanting to register for trips will drop their name in a bowl between 9:00-11:00am.
· Names will be randomly drawn, one by one, beginning at 11:00am.
· When your name is called, it is your turn to sign up.
· You may only sign yourself up for trips.
· Sign ups will remain in person, no phone orders will be taken.
There is no advantage to being first in line, first in the building etc. We will be drawing names at random from those collected, up until 11:00.
After the initial sign up day, members may register for trips in person or by phone, at anytime if there is still space available on the shuttle. It is not uncommon for spaces to still be open after the first business day.
A current membership is required to venture on any SSC trips.
Day trip sign ups begin on the first business day of each month.
Trips must be paid for at the time of reservation. Payment guarantees your spot on the trip. Payments can be made in person with a check, cash (which are preferred) or credit card.
Cancellations are not reimbursed unless (a) we (or you) can find a standby to take your place or (b) the trip is cancelled by the Snohomish Senior Center or (c) approval by the Trip Coordinator or Executive Director.
Trips will only be cancelled if: The minimum number of participants, according to the trip, is not met the week before the trip, the vehicle is out of commission due to repairs or a driver illness.